If a player tries to join a full party, or after combat has already started, an NPC is spawned instead. This NPC is controlled by everyone in your chat that doesn't have an avatar in combat. You can turn off the ability to spawn the NPC in the Options Menu.
Once an NPC is spawned, it'll be the last "player" to take a turn. The NPC has no health and cannot be attacked. However, if the NPC is the only "player" left alive in combat, the fight is still considered lost.Â
The NPC spawns in with a random name based on a member of our stream community and with 3 random skills: A Heal, a Support, and an Attack.
Using these skills is very easy:
!n a - Uses the Heal skill. The target for this is chosen automatically, based on the player with the lowest health.
!n b - Uses the Support skill. The target for this is chosen automatically.
!n c - Uses the Attack skill. The target for this is chosen automatically, based on the enemy with the lowest health.
These skills are based directly on the Player Class skills and share their skill icon for ease of reference.
The streamer can hover the skill icons for details of what the skill does.
Once it becomes the NPC's turn, a vote countdown timer will start (this timer can be adjusted in the Options Menu). When the countdown reaches 0, whichever skill has the most number of the votes is the skill that will be used. If there is no vote, the timer will reset and repeat.